As we say goodbye to 2013 and welcome in 2014, we can learn from this past year’s real estate market trends to predict expectations in the new year. According to the Canadian Real Estate Association, Canadian home sales turned out slightly better than expected in 2013 and sales will continue to increase in 2014.
Economic stresses can happen to the most careful individuals. You may think you are prepared by planning, budgeting and saving, but unexpected issues can arise for various reasons. Identifying areas where you are the most vulnerable and making contingency plans is one aspect of the solution, but sometimes these efforts are inadequate. You need to know what…
Beacon scores will definitely dictate the mortgage amount that lenders are going and willing to offer. This is also the determinant of what you are going to pay if your mortgage request goes through. It is therefore important to know the basics of beacon scores as this will come a long way in understanding how…
Owning your first home is a big step. You no longer have to worry about rent, you can set up your home as you like, mow your lawn, and you also get invited to home owners meetings. Owning a house can be quite challenging, it is necessary to carry out research and talk with experienced…
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Maecenas enim velit, euismod eu tempor sit amet, dictum at est. In placerat fringilla bibendum.
Nullam rutrum velit eget quam pretium vehicula porttitor odio non nunc laoreet.
Maecenas enim velit, euismod eu tempor sit amet, dictum at est. In placerat fringilla bibendum.